Helen’s mother Carla had been dead a year now but she was still a nightmare from beyond the grave. Carla has always been an absentee kind of mother who cared more about her social life than her daughter’s life. So much so that she never left a will in case of her death. When she did die suddenly and with her dad long in the wind Helen was left without claim to vast amounts of wealth that her family possessed. She knew her mother had accounts set up in virtually every bank but had no idea how to access them.
Carla going out
She sewarched through all of her mothers belongings in the hopes of finding some clue or scrap of paper that might help her but she came up short. What she did find those was an archaic spellbook. She had never taken her mother to be into such nonsense but as she flipped through the pages she started to realize that perhaps this was how she had amassed her wealth in the first place, how she was so good looking and perhaps why she was so cold and evil.
She was never a superstitious person but she felt uneasy around the book like it was calling to her to do bad. She resisted its pull for weeks until things finally got dire with her finances and she had to do something. She had a plan though, she would not use the book for evil as she suspected her mother had and instead found a spell to commune with the dead. She would get her own mother to tell her the bank details she needed. She set up the spell in her mother’s bedroom as it required somewhere her mother frequented and God’s know she hang many gentlemen callers to that room.
“Mom if you can hear me please respond. I need you to contact me and help me.” Helen spoke. For a moment she questioned what she was doing, it was all ridiculous when she thought about it but then a cold gust of wind blew through her room and the candles suddenly extinguished.
“Helen my daughter, you need only ask.” Carla spoke from beyond the grave. Her voice echoed around the room as her ghostly form came into view before her daughter. She looked just as gorgeous as the day she died. By contrast Helen in her baggy clothes, messy hair and makeup-less face barely looked related to the beauty hovering in front of her.
“Mom you died without leaving me anything. I am penniless and I am struggling to eat. Please help me access the bank accounts I know you had.” Helen said pleading with her ghostly mother. A smirk crossed Carla’s face as she looked down at her daughter with superiority. She may of been dead but she still held all the cards.
“Of course, you deserve everything that is mine. However my mind is unfocused and loose in the afterlife. I need a body to get it all right. If you would grant me yours temporarily I’ll give you everything you desire. You will have all the control.” Carla said with a twisted smile. Helen didn’t fully trust her mother but she had no other plan, she had to agree.
“Fine but once I get everything of yours it over, deal?” Helen replies.
“Deal.” Carla said and instantly she dove head first into Helen’s mouth and slithered inside her daughter. Helen tried not to gag as it happened but thankfully it was over quick. Helen still felt in control but she could feel her mother inside her head.
“Ok you’re in now. I’ll let you take control to get your bearings but hurry up and get on with it.” Helen said and let her mother take over. To an outside observer it would of seemed like an immediate change had come over Helen as her demeanour, her stance and her general presence changed. She seemed more confident, more assured. She ran a hand all over her body.
“Oh how I’ve missed the sensation of touch.” Carla said speaking in Helen’s voice but with a distinct sultry tinge to it.
“Yes yes it’s all very exciting, can we go to the bank now.” Helen said inside head.
“I fear we have a problem dear daughter, my mind has come back and I now realize that the banks won’t just hand over the cash because we have the details, they are expecting a certain, how can I put this, class of clientele and frankly we don’t cut it right now.” Carla said looking at her new body in the mirror.
“Oh well this is great! Now what?” Helen said exasperated. A smile formed across Helen’s lips as Carla’s plan started to fall into place.
“Well as you know I was a mistress of the magical arts so I can ‘enhance’ and clean up this body that will be more agreeable to the banks. Temporarily of course.” Carla said
“Fine whatever just do it.” Helen said losing her patience.
“Perfect.” Carla said with a grin and all of a sudden both Helen and Carla could feel physical changes take place.
“Oh what’s happening? Why does it feel so... so... mmmm good.” Helen said moaning inside her head.
“Because magic is flowing through you now, magic that will allow you to wrap men around your little finger. Speaking of.” Carla said looking at the dirty and unkemp nails on her daughters hand. She balled her fists and shook them out. When she looked at them again they had changed to long painted daggers.
“Mmmm much better, what do you think daughter?” Carla purred.
“Wow I never had such long nails before. They make me feel kind of bad ass. What... what else can you do?” Helen responded curiously and Carla smiled knowing she had enraptured her daughter.
“Well let’s take care of this tangled nest you call hair.” Carla said and ran her hands over it from her temple to the tips of the hair. As she did the hair became sleek, shiny and straightened to perfection.
“Oh yes now we are looking more and more the part. It just needs one more... no actually you’d never like it.” Carla said trailing off as if she didn’t care, hoping Helen would take the bait.
“No wait what were you going to suggest, I might like it.” Helen said with the hint of desperation in her voice and Carla smiled. She was glad to see she could manipulate her own daughter as easily as she could men.
“Well I just thought that you would look like a knockout with blonde hair. Just like your mother. But no no I know how much you love your brown average hair.” Carla said knowing she had her daughter right where she wanted her.
“Well I mean yes I do love it but I guess it couldn’t hurt just to see what blonde would look like. Just for a moment.” Helen said. Carla tried to hide her mischievous grin as she shook her head side to side causing the dark brown colour to fall from her head and he replaced with blonde, almost platinum, locks. Carla took a moment to marvel at her handiwork and appreciate how close she was to becoming her old self again. Helen for her part was making it easy.
“Mmmmm wow yesssss I look like all those bitchy blondes who made my life hell in high school. It looks fucking great, don’t you think mom?” Helen said allowing herself to feel vanity for the first time while still needing the approval of the first bitchy blonde in her life.
“You look amazing baby, close to perfection.” Carla said stroking her hair with her long nailed fingers.
“Close to perfection? I’ve never looked better!” Helen said sounding somewhat upset.
“Yes dear you’ve never looked better but you’re barely a six right now but good enough for the bank, shall we?” Carla said making the move to leave but she knew her daughter would have other ideas.
“Wait wait hold on a second. I want to make sure this plan goes off without a hitch so I think you should do more of your magic or whatever. Just for the bank of course.” Helen said but Carla could hear the desperation in her voice, she was experiencing what it was to feel beautiful for once and she craved more like a junkie.
“Of course daughter you’re the boss. We should probably do something about this face of yours then.” Carla said and ran her manicured fingers down her face causing thick sexy makeup to appear in its place. Pouty bee stung lips complimented her now long dark eyelashes and sparkling blue eyes. Helen’s body was looking more and more like a younger copy of her mother’s.
“Mmmmm yes you were right mom I needed this. Now I look the part of a high society bitch. Something’s missing though. I need big fake expansive tits don’t you think?” Helen said now fully captivated and obsessed with her looks. Carla smiled knowing her daughter was now truly on the path to becoming her.
“You know I think you’re right Helen. Ugh that name could use a change as well but for now let’s give you some big cum inducing tits.” Carla said taking off her bra and slowly teasing the nipples of the barely B sized breasts. The more she teased the more they grew.
“Oh yeah that’s it make them even bigger than the ones you had. I can’t believe I was ever mad at you for never spending time with me, if I looked like I do now I wouldn’t of spent any time with a dorky daughter like me.” Helen said in a truly bitchy tone. Carla was proud of the work she had done to corrupt her boring daughter but she had one more step to complete. As the tits continued to grow Carla started to use her magic to pleasure her pussy as if my an invisible hand. She could hear Helen moan in her head.
“Dorky Daughter? You’ve never had a daughter Carla. You’ve always been a spoilt single slut looking out for number one isn’t that right?” Carla said to Helen.
“Carla? Noooooooh my name is Helen, isn’t it? No why would I have such a lame name like Helen? Ohhhhhh fuck I can’t think straight, I feel so close to cumming.” Helen moaned. Carla meanwhile was allowing her own memories to seep into Helen’s mind. Soon neither of them would know where one ended and the other began.
“We’ve always been wanted to be an alpha bitch haven’t we Carla? And ever since we discovered dark magic we have been corrupt and mean. We love it don’t we?!” Carla said beginning to climax in sync with Helen.
“Mmmmmm yesssss of course, the magic gave me this hot body and immense wealth. I love to party, fuck any man I want and spend money only on myself.” Said Helen fully believing the deception. Their lives were getting merged together into one with each forgetting about the mistakes of the past.
Helen forgot she ever had money problems and Carla forgot she ever had a daughter. Their histories were becoming the new reality as the world around them began to warp and change. In their mind they each saw a waterfall, one they knew they had to jump off to solidify their union.
“I am sexy.” Said Carla inching towards the waterfall.
“I am perfect.” Said Helen holding hands with Carla.
“I am Carla.” They both said in unison jumping off the waterfall and climaxing hard. Carla collapsed onto the bed exhausted.
Hours later Carla awoke and saw the time was 11pm. If she left in the next half hour she could make it to the club and find some big dumb stud to toy with she thought with a smirk. She got up and looked at the mess of candles and magical items on the floor. She had a vague memory that she had done a ritual but something told her to ignore it.
She waved her hand and the items began putting themselves away. She smirked at how much her powers had progressed, she felt unstoppable. She waved a clawed hand over her nude body and a tight form fitting dress appeared almost painted on her. She did a quick motion with the other hand and a drink appeared in it. In the mirror she adjusted her dress to allow her cleavage to almost burst out.
Carla and Helen as one
Once she was satisfied with how she looked she dropped the drink down her throat and left the house lustfully in search of a cock to please her. Carla was back and she was badder than ever but of course as far as she and everyone else knew, she had never left.
Carrie was convinced her boyfriend, John, was cheating on her. He was working late every night for a month and was cagey about the reasons why. Carrie had always been self conscious about their relationship. She was a flat chested nerdy scientist and he had literally been the star quarterback in highschool and college. He said that he used to be a dumb jock that only dated superficial slutty girls but had grown tired of it and wanted a girl who was good natured, kind and smart like Carrie. Carrie believed him at the time when he said it but now she didn’t know what to believe now. However she knew of a way she could see if he was cheating. At work she had been developing a bodysuit that could be calibrated to look like anyone. It was still in beta and had a few bugs but was relatively safe. Her plan was to have the suit look like a hot slut, wear it and try and seduce John. If he gave in she knew she was right. She snuck into her workplaces lab late one night and stole the ...
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