Zoe and Miranda were hugging each other in the locker room and both were sobbing. Moments earlier Miranda had been a bad ass bombshell corrupted by a pair of magical tits she had found on vacation in France. She had found them in an antique Sex shop and bought them as a joke but soon found they were more than they appeared. They had transformed her into hot and slutty bully who cared about no one else but herself.
When she returned to the States she quickly asserted herself as the alpha bitch at school and became head cheerleader in no time. Her best friend Zoe became committed to reversing what had happened when she learned of the demonic tits. One day after Gym class when only the two of them were left in the locker room Zoe confronted her former bestie. Miranda had changed into her cheerleader outfit and Zoe was still in her towel.
Zoe convinced her that the power of friendship was the key to true happiness and she managed to get through to Miranda who with some effort ripped the boobs off and throw them across the room. In doing so her body and mind reverted back to normal and she was finally free of the tits evil influence.
“What about the tits?” Miranda asked her saviour Zoe who looked at the boobs laying on the floor with contempt.
“Leave them to me, you go home to your parents, they’ll be happy to see you back to normal.” Zoe said and Miranda suddenly realized what a terror she had been to her family and rushed out to make amends.
Zoe bent down to pick up evil tits and destroy them once and for all but as she did her towel slipped off her body exposing her petit breasts. The tits could instinctively sense a new vessel was nearby and jumped onto her bare chest. Zoe tried to get her fingernails under them but she couldn’t find where they started and she ended. She began to tug at the massive boobs to get them off but it just inadvertently just made herself horny.
“Noooo.... ughhhh.... geeeet..... offff.” She moaned in futility. The tugging became groping and massaging before long. The tits had attached to all her nerve endings and was driving her wild.
“Mmmmmm these feel so goooood. Noooo this is wrong. This is sooooo fucking wrong. I love it! I feel so nasty and hot. These tits will make into a mean vain bitch like Miranda was. That sounds so hot. No! Have to fight it. I Have to become even meaner. She was nothing compared to me! No what am I saying?!” Zoe squeaked as the tits seemed to whisper in her mind and promise her power and beauty.
“You can do that? Mmmm that does sound delicious. No I have to fight it like Miranda. Pathetic plain Miranda. She gave these up because she was weak! She wasn’t worthy of their power! Ohhhhh fuck what’s happening to me?” She moaned. Her short sensible hair grew thick and long. The flab around her stomach shrank and the stretch marks and blemishes all over her body disappeared into her suddenly bronzed skin.
“Oh fuck yes I look hawt. Mmmmm I can’t wait to become queen bee of this place. No no no what am I saying. These stupid tits are corrupting my mind! But so what? I have been on the sideline too long, it’s about time I let my bad side out. Ohhhhh that does sound good plus someone was bound to find the tits and have fun with them, why couldn’t that person be me. No that’s wrong! These tits were meant for me and no one else! Corrupt me! Change me! Make me everything I’ve ever wanted!. These are mine now.” Zoe said smirking as more changes took place.
Her nails grew long and sharp, sexy mean makeup covered her face and her body hair disappeared as if it was never there. Finally her pussy tightened causing her eyes to roll back in her head as she orgasmed hard. Her eyes rolled back and were now cruel and cold. An evil smile crossed her lips as she approved her new look in the mirror.
She didn’t need a bra anymore as the hung perfectly on her frame. She smirked thinking of all the power she now had. She was so enraptured by the thought she didn’t hear Miranda come back.
“Zoe I forgot my....? My god what happened.” Miranda said clasping a hand to her mouth. Zoe rolled her eyes and stalked over to Miranda who cowered at her sight, this alone made her feel even hornier. She stripped off the little clothing she had on as Miranda tried to avert her eyes. “Zoe... we have to help you... remember what you said about the power of friendship-” Miranda stammered but was cut off by Zoe grabbing her head and shoving it into her new tits.
“This is why the tits let you get rid of them because you were so weak. They knew I was the true alpha. That’s why they let me know of their incredible mind control powers. Mmmmm I can feel your resistance fade, you want to serve me don’t you?” Zoe said pulling Miranda back from her boobs. Miranda looked like a zombie.
“Yes queen Zoe of course, anything for you.” Miranda said in monotone.
“Mmmmm good my little pawn. As much as I would like to see you so docile I need someone who can help spread my corruption and thanks to another power these tits have given me I can make you bad again.” Zoe smirked as she kissed Miranda deeply. As she did the boobs Zoe’s her chest began to glow slightly. In turn Miranda started to change back to her mean bitchier self. Zoe broke back from the kiss to see her creation. Miranda seemed to have the cruel look back in her eyes. She felt her restored tits with glee.
“Mmmmm thank you my Queen, I feel so fucking evil again. I live to serve you.” Miranda purred.
“Good my pet, you can start by getting on your hands and knees and pleasuring me.” Zoe said with a smirk. Miranda was only too happy to oblige and licked her lips as she knelt.
As she was getting her third orgasm from the well experienced Miranda a female janitor was coming by with new towels and spotted the lustful couple at play. She knew she should turn away but something about the tits on the blonde were urging her to open the door.
Helen’s mother Carla had been dead a year now but she was still a nightmare from beyond the grave. Carla has always been an absentee kind of mother who cared more about her social life than her daughter’s life. So much so that she never left a will in case of her death. When she did die suddenly and with her dad long in the wind Helen was left without claim to vast amounts of wealth that her family possessed. She knew her mother had accounts set up in virtually every bank but had no idea how to access them. Carla going out She sewarched through all of her mothers belongings in the hopes of finding some clue or scrap of paper that might help her but she came up short. What she did find those was an archaic spellbook. She had never taken her mother to be into such nonsense but as she flipped through the pages she started to realize that perhaps this was how she had amassed her wealth in the first place, how she was so good looking and perhaps why she was so cold and evil. She wa...
Carrie was convinced her boyfriend, John, was cheating on her. He was working late every night for a month and was cagey about the reasons why. Carrie had always been self conscious about their relationship. She was a flat chested nerdy scientist and he had literally been the star quarterback in highschool and college. He said that he used to be a dumb jock that only dated superficial slutty girls but had grown tired of it and wanted a girl who was good natured, kind and smart like Carrie. Carrie believed him at the time when he said it but now she didn’t know what to believe now. However she knew of a way she could see if he was cheating. At work she had been developing a bodysuit that could be calibrated to look like anyone. It was still in beta and had a few bugs but was relatively safe. Her plan was to have the suit look like a hot slut, wear it and try and seduce John. If he gave in she knew she was right. She snuck into her workplaces lab late one night and stole the ...
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