Charlie sat in her studio apartment alone as she did most nights. This night was slightly different though as tonight was her 21st birthday. Where others would be surrounded by friends and family celebrating such a milestone, Charlie instead had no company except the pitiful cupcake an old woman selling pastries on the street gave to her.
The old woman took pity on Charlie when she saw how upset she was on this day of all days. She took the cupcake out from a hidden compartment and gave it to Charlie telling her it was a very special pastry that would make her feel better. The old woman made Charlie promise her that she would make a wish when she blew out the candle.
Alone in her apartment she at least took solace in the fact that it wasn’t her worst birthday. That was her sweet sixteen when she had invited everyone from her class and no one showed because Britney the high school bitchleader decided to have a party on the same day out of spite.
No matter where she had went in life there was always a Britney waiting to make fun of her for her looks or her weight or the fact that she was breathing. They were Alexis or Georgina or Samantha, their names changed but their goal was always the same. To make her life hell. They taunted her throughout high school, into college and now in adulthood. She hoped they were now as miserable as she was but she knew that they would always succeed because they had the looks and the confidence. Closing her eyes she blew out the candle and wished she could have what they had. No sooner had she done so that the lights in the apartment blew out.
“Oh great that’s all I need. What a perfect dayyyyyy.... ohhhh what’s happening? I feel funny.” She said as the room started to spin before her. She felt a pain all over her body as bones cracked and creaked reshaping her form. Her pudgy belly sucked in to a washboard flatness as pain subsided into pleasure.
“Oh whatever is happening don’t stop, it feels sooooo good.” She said moaning as more changes occured. Her muscles toned all around her body to fit that of a yoga master, her skin cleared up and became silky smooth and blonde strands of hair shot out of her head and wrapped around her black locks giving her thick full hair. He small boobs shot out to fully rounded perfect tits. The room itself was changing too from a small cramped apartment to something more grand. If she wasn’t so fixated with how the transformation was making her feel she would of maybe noticed people were appearing in the room too.
“Mmmmm I feel so fucking hawt. My whole body tingles all over. I feel just delicious and bad.” She said with a purr clutching her new blonde head as new emotions washed over her. She was feeling sexy for the first time ever and didn’t want it to stop. But something else was happening, memories that weren’t previously there were flooding into her mind. Memories of being a popular girl in school. Memories of being a bitchy spoilt princess. Memories of all the losers she bullied. Memories of all the men she had fucked. It was intoxicating.
“Oh yesssss I understand now, I’m getting everything those hot sluts had throughout met life. Beauty, vanity, confidence ohhhhh it all feels so yummy. Charlie wants to fight it but Charlie never could stand up to an alpha bitch now could she. Charlotte is here to stay and Charlotte always gets what she wants.” The new bitch moaned like a wanton whore as she squeezed her big tits in ecstasy. She ran her perfectly manicured fingers over her impeccable new body in glee as the room started to come into focus around her.
She no longer lived in a shoebox but now lived in her own penthouse apartment supplied by her rich boyfriend Brad.
“Where is he anyway? I need a good fuck.” She thought to herself as the room stopped and she was surrounded my her friends celebrating her birthday. They called themselves friends but she thought of them more as fans of hers. She thought of herself above them, and why shouldn’t she? Regardless they didn’t seem to notice what had just happened and Charlotte seemed to be the only one wiser.
She was the most enviable person in their room and she knew it as she posed for the multitudes of pictures people were taking to say they were at a ‘Charlotte’ party. Everyone was clapping as she had just blown out the candles on her huge cake, that’s when she spotted Brad who came up to her and gave her a deep passionate kiss that made her wet.
“Glad I could be hear for this part Charlie, but I have to head out on business. Will you be ok?” He said whispering in her ear. She should of been mad at him for ditching her and for using that gross pet name but then she caught the eye of a handsome party goer across the room who fucked her with his eyes and she knew she would be ok that night.

“Oh poo but you’ll have to buy me something expensive to make it up to.” She said with a tease and he kissed her again as acknowledgement and left the party leaving the lioness to hunt. It didn’t take much to attract her prey, it never did. A lip bite here, a plump up of her tits there. It all came naturally to her now.
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